Whole-Food Plant-Based Lifestyle

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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

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About Me

You may be wondering about my name Mountain Gran. I live on a mountain in Tennessee. I wasn’t born here, but came here at age eleven. I have seven grandchildren. They call me Gran.

I live on about nine acres. I am a lover of gardening, cooking, animals and more.

In May of 2019, two of our teenage granddaughters lived with us. Keeping up with two energetic and athletic teenage girls isn’t easy. It definitely took more energy than I had.

I had come to realize that one reason for my lack of energy was that I had, throughout the years, gained about thirty to forty pounds. So, I began my quest to learn how to lose that weight, regain my energy, and feel healthy again.

My questions about a healthy way to lose weight quickly were answered by a whole-food plant-based diet. At the beginning of June 2019, soon to turn 65, I began my new way of eating. It took only a few days for me to start to feel a difference. And now I’d like to share this adventure with you.

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